Betty Williams (nee Yarrak)
I was born in Cloncurry and then my mum brought me back to Mornington Island. I went to school as far as grade 9 and then did a bit of office work in the community.
I entered into a relationship with John Williams and had two sons Jean in 1983 and Dereck in 1984.
Not long after I got very sick and found out that I'm epileptic and at times I end up in hospital so I haven't been able to do much in the last few years.
That's what I like about painting at the Art Centre. It makes me stronger and feel better that I am able to paint, to do something not home sick all the time.
I like to paint about my mother's country on Bentinck Island. She was born at a place called Catfish Story near Minikuri. I also like to paint about my grandfather's country at Miniduri.
Betty Williams (nee Yarrak)