Mandy Naranatjil (nee Roughsey)

My father was born in Langungani, Sydney Island. His name is Lindsay Roughsey. He was one of the great craftsmen and artists that started up the art centre here on Mornington Island. My mother was also a Lardil woman from Birri. We grew up living in the old village in those days. The village was destroyed by a big cyclone and we lived in tents for years before a new town was built. Those were hard but good old days. I have 3 grown up daughters now with lots of grandkids and now great grand kids! I love coming to the art centre, it makes me feel closer to the old people, especially my old dad.

Mandy Naranatjil (nee Roughsey)

Mandy Naranatjil passed away on 15 September 2022


Artworks coming soon